Nutrition for Scuba Divers: Healthy Holiday Cider

Healthy Holiday Cider

Served hot or cold this cider helps fend off winter illnesses. Gretchen M. Ashton, Photographer

A cold or the flu can prevent water sports enthusiasts from their favorite activities.

Scuba divers, surfers, snorkelers, stand up paddlers, kayakers, wind surfers, and swimmers are exposed to the elements year-round. This cider may be enjoyed chilled to cool off on a hot summer day or as a hot beverage to warm up and refuel during the winter months.

This healthy holiday cider helps boost the immune system and prevent other health maladies.

Healthy Holiday Cider is loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E. Along with the fruit juice, added coconut water contains important nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and sodium which help maintain and balance hydration. The natural sugars fructose and glucose help maintain energy, and the high fiber content helps keep digestive and elimination systems of the body functioning well. Combined anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen properties of the pear, kiwi and watermelon help to prevent and lower high blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke and protect cells from the damage of free radicals which can be produced during physical activity. Pear juice and cinnamon both help sooth a sore throat, a kiwi contains more vitamin C than an orange, and the lycopene in watermelon helps reduce respiratory inflammation. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar and sooth muscle spasms among other healthful properties.

Healthy Holiday Cider

Using a juicer, wash and prepare the following:
1 Whole Pear (small to medium)
1 Whole Kiwi (rub the skin gently underwater but keep the peel)
1 Cup Watermelon (remove the rind)

1/2 Cup Coconut Water
1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon

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Sweet Potato Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Sweet Potato stuffed Portobello MushroomsSweet Potato stuffed Portobello Mushrooms are a delicious meal for scuba divers focused on eating healthy this holiday season. As the main course or a side dish all divers will enjoy the earthy fall flavors and aromas. Vegetarian divers rely on the portobello mushroom as a meat substitute. The mushroom has small amounts of macronutrients; is naturally low in calories, fat, and sugar, with nearly equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates, and a good amount of potassium. The portobello mushroom has a neutral mild flavor that is a blank canvas for seasonings that satisfy a wide range of taste preferences. This version of stuffed portobello mushrooms is prepared on a cedar plank to add smokiness.

Sweet potatoes have less calories than yams and are a good source of potassium and vitamin A. One cup is about 120 calories, with zero fat, six grams of sugar, 27 carbohydrates, four grams of fiber, and more than two grams of protein. The serving portion of sweet potato in this recipe in a large portobello mushroom cap is about one-half cup.

Sweet potato stuffed portobello mushrooms make a great warm and hearty meal before or after scuba diving.


3 large portobello mushrooms for main course or six medium for side dish.
2 medium to large sweet potatoes.
1 medium Italian squash.
1 onion – optional.
3 Medjool dates.
1/2 cup of roasted and salted Pepitas.
1 teaspoon of each: Garlic (fresh, powder or juice), sage, cinnamon, salt and pepper
1/2 cup olive oil.


Preheat the grill or oven to 375 degrees. The oven may already be hot from baking the sweet potatoes. (see below). If using a plank, soak in water for 20 to 60 minutes. Bake the sweet potatoes in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes then peel and mash ahead of time. This is also great way to use up left overs. To keep calories, sugar and fat low, butter and brown sugar are not added to the sweet potatoes for this recipe. Grate the uncooked Italian squash into thin strips. If adding the optional onion, grate it into thin strips and mix with squash. Wash and remove the stem from the mushrooms then gently pat dry. Mix olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, and all of the salt, pepper, sage and garlic for basting the mushroom. Remove the pits from the dates and dice into small pieces.

Stuff the Mushroom:

Place the mushroom caps on a cedar plank or nonstick tray. Brush them with the seasoned olive oil. Place a layer of grated Italian squash (and optional onion) in the mushroom cap. Add several tablespoons of mashed sweet potatoes forming a mound rising from the mushroom cap. Sprinkle the stuffed mushroom and filling with dry cinnamon and chopped dates.

Grill or Bake:

Grill or bake large mushroom caps at 375 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Smaller caps will take less time. Baste the mushroom cap with the seasoned olive oil about half way through the grilling or baking time. When juice begins to run from the bottom of the mushrooms cooking is usually complete. Removing the mushrooms now keeps them from getting soggy or soft. If you wish, the broiler may be used for a couple minutes to brown the tops. The dates are delicious when a bit crispy.


Place the cooked sweet potato stuffed portobello mushrooms on a serving tray and sprinkle the tops with the roasted and salted Pepitas.


For more fitness for diving information and healthy eating recipes for scuba divers visit ScubaFit.
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10-Minute Sand Dollar

10 Minute Sand Dollar

Tiny sand dollar found during my beach walk.

Years ago, during one of my open water certification dives in La Jolla, California, I remember seeing my first field of sand dollars. Hundreds of dives later, I still enjoy seeing them underwater or on the beach. I affectionately call them glory dollars and think of them as gifts from the sea. Imagine my surprise when during a recent beach walk I found this tiny sand dollar. Amazing!

On this particular day I did not have time for my usual long beach walk. This tiny sand dollar reminded me that every little bit counts. Studies show that exercise bouts of just 10 minutes in duration are beneficial for overall health and reducing the risk of illness and disease. Ideal short-term exercise sessions for example include walking a mile in 12 to 20-minutes. For weight loss, longer exercise sessions at slightly higher intensity are recommended.

Even if divers cannot get outdoors for a walk, opportunities to increase physical activity can be incorporated into a daily routine by taking the stairs instead of an elevator or parking as far from entrances as possible. One of my fitness clients has just started to ride his bike to work. It is only 15-minutes each way, but this increases his physical activity by 30-minutes five days a week in addition to our training sessions together.

And there is even better news. The more divers exercise the greater the benefits. Health is no small matter, exercise is the great equalizer and the results are Amazing!